10 Minibus Driving Tips

By July 22, 2017General

There are few driving tips which a minibus driver have to keep in mind while driving a minibus as the driver is ultimately responsible for the passenger’s safety and the safety of other road users.

  • If the minibus is integrated with a microphone, then use it only at the time of emergency. Don’t use the microphone when the vehicle is moving.
  • It is illegal in the United Kingdom to use any gadget while driving whether it is a mobile phone, speaker system or an earpiece. The police can also prosecute a driver.
  • Make sure you are not engaging with your passengers for any queries such as vehicle location, safety issues, operational matters, etc..
  • Ask your passengers to not to throw any object out to the windows. It will harm not only your vehicle but also other road users. If any of the passengers are rude and not obeying the laws so the minibus driver can contact the company anytime.
  • Make sure there are ample of space from the vehicle in front. The stopping distance of the minibus is far greater than a car. Remember that extra service and needs to be taken while traveling in wet conditions.
  • Don’t use many brakes while traveling on single lanes as it will cause instability. Just reduce the minibus speed while parking.
  • If you are taking the children to school in a minibus with a passenger capacity of 8 or more, then it is essential to show 2 yellow retro-reflective warning signs bearing the symbol of to school children.
  • If you are driving on a highway make sure you are driving in the left-hand lane. A minibus can be driven at fast speed on a motorway only if the gross weight does not exceed by 7.5 tonnes.
  • Remember not to use the horn while reversing the minibus; it can cause harm to pedestrian or another moving vehicle.
  • Always park the minibus at the designated parking space. And, if you are parking at night, then keep the vehicle’s side and rear light on.
  • If you drive the vehicle safely, it will not only prevent the accidents but also saves your money on the minibus insurance because there will be no claim bonus.

For more information about the minibuses and rental cost contact us.


Author admin

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